Energy market is growing day by day especially because of the larger demand that drives dealers to search for
alternative sources.
With this regard, Studio Legale Cammareri (SLC) provides legal assistance and advice to public and private
dealers for all issues involving relations – even contractual – between dealers and GRTN, Acquirente Unico,
Gestore del Mercato Elettrico and Autorità per l’Energia Elettrica ed il Gas.
SLC provides also legal assistance and advice regarding the so-called renewable sources (i.e. aeolian, solar,
geothermal, hydraulic, biomass and biogas) giving assistance for the resolution of all juridical problems
involving the development and carrying out of:
- aeolian energy production plants;
- photovoltaic energy production plants and modules;
- geothermal power plants;
- hydroelectric power plants;
- industrial plants for biomass production, regeneration, recycling, conversion and productive use;
- cogeneration plants.